Gniewoszów 11

I bought a beautiful old house. If you want to spend your holiday in the south of the Kłodzko Valley, look here
Gniewoszów 11

Hotswapping Java code

Hotswapping Java code is a technique that can save a lot of down time for programmers when you’re working with web applications that take forever to start up. ...
Hotswapping Java code

Portfolio: OpenCms - Magnolia - Escenic

For some years now, I specialized in Magnolia CMS, OpenCms and escenic. I started programming when I was 8. Later I have worked on client-side and server-side applications, being responsible for business logic, data binding and GUI, which I equally feel at home with. ...
Portfolio: OpenCms - Magnolia - Escenic

Magnolia (CMS) - batch import XML-files into JCR

The importer of the jcr-tools is very limited. You can only import one file at time. Once you have uploaded a file, you also need to select the corresponding workspace. With many files to import regulary this can be quite tedious. That's why I wrote a quick and dirty groovy script. ...